Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Sienna!

Yesterday was my baby's 1st birthday. We had a big party with all of our family that lives here. Sienna got a ton of new toys and clothes.

She wasn't quite sure why everyone was singing.

She really didn't even like the cupcake. She ate a little and then her daddy fed her some ice cream. Funny girl. She shook her head no when Garrett would try to get her to eat the cupcake.

She didn't really help open the presents but she had fun looking and playing with all of them. She went around to every different thing and played for a minute and then moved on. She was excited with all of the new toys. She had a good party. Thanks for everyone who came and thanks to my parents who always let us have parties and stuff there.
I can't believe my baby is one. A year ago she was just a little helpless newborn and now she is so big and smart. So much has happened in just a year. She says dada, mama, uh-oh, hi, boo, woof woof, meow, she sings boom boom boom to the black eyed peas song. She loves to dance, she takes steps, she shakes her finger and tries to say no no. She gives the best kisses. She loves cats and dogs. She also is very spoiled and knows how to get her way. But that's ok, we love her so much! I'm just so thankful to have her in my life.


  1. oh she looks so stink cute in her outfit. Can't believe she is one. I haven't seen her forever.

  2. Happy Birthday, Sienna! I can't believe that she is one, either. SO cute. ANd I had no idea you were a "canner" Cool. I should take some lessons from you!

  3. She is so dang adorable! Looks like a fun party!
