Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Carter @ 16 months

Carter is 16 months.  They say he's small for his age.  He sure is crazy.  He's always has bruises somewhere on his body.  He loves to play rough but he sure is sweet too.  He gives out lots of kisses.  He loves to dance and sometimes sings.  He won't talk.  The only thing he says is "all" for ball and hi.  He's starting to try to say cheese when he takes pictures.  He just says eeee.  He's into everything.  He finds highlighters and draws on his face.  He climbs on the table and chairs constantly.  He climbs on the couch and from one to the other.  He destroys the bathrooms and plays in the toilet.  He loves to play with balls and to play outside.  I guess he's a normal boy but we're just learning what it's like to have a toddler boy around the house.  He loves his sister and usually follows her around during the day.  He won't sit in the cart at the store for long so I've gotten used to holding him and pushing the cart at the same time usually with Sienna in it.  I just consider it part of my work out.  His hair is so blonde and it just sticks straight up.  We usually keep it pretty short.
A week or so before Ron and Marlene left on their mission we went to Culver's for ice cream.  Carter was laying on the table with a spoon and taking bites out of everyone's ice cream.  He was loving it.

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